
Thanksgiving All Year

“Consistency of gratitude and feedback weigh heavily in building relationships. So along with the quality and quantity of feedback, we consider the frequency of feedback, too. Peter Drucker once said, “Recognition is so easy to do and so inexpensive to distribute, that there is simply no excuse for not doing it.” …
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Building Your Resilience

“Resiliency has become a buzzword among parents of over-scheduled and over committed children, among admission officers and professors contending with frazzled college students, in the arena of workplaces the word applies to individuals, teams, and companies which is where our focus is today…”
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Embrace Chaos

“Manage chaos and complexity? Most managers are hoping to survive or better yet, eliminate chaos. In fact, chaos and complexity can be useful in unlocking unproductive processes and replacing them with innovative solutions. Certainly, the successful manager doesn’t go out of his way to create complexity or cause an increase in the chaos factor. However, plenty of complexity…”
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Setting Stretch Goals

“Stretch goals are not used to reach ordinary short-term objectives, but to drive achievement and results to a new level currently viewed as impossible.  Stretch goals must cause people to move beyond their current way of thinking. As Einstein said,…”
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Effective Recognition

“Have you ever had someone quit because they felt unappreciated? If so, you are not alone. Not feeling appreciated is one of the top reasons employees close the door on jobs and move on to other departments or worse yet, other employers.Giving personal employee recognition causes employees and peers to stay engaged in the process of work …”
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Creativity and Innovation

“Have you ever had a stuck-in-a-rut experience when you and your team brainstorm the same old, tried and true ideas to solve the problems facing your organization? Ever feel like a critical branch of creative and innovative ideas is hidden just below the surface? Generating creative ideas to tackle the challenges you and your team face is critical to your ongoing success …”
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Humility in Leadership

“Personal humility flies in the face of pride and acknowledges that we are not the sole determinants of our successes, but that other factors contribute significantly to future outcomes. Leaders who are humble set aside their own need to succeed in favor of being part of an effort that surpasses what they could do on their own. Truly, the leader forgoes personal acclaim in favor of …”
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Relationships Through Networking

“How are you tracking on building and maintaining your network of relationships? You know, calls that you resolved to make beginning New Year to connect with past friends or co-workers. If you’ve fallen short, run out of enthusiasm, or are feeling ineffective in your efforts, rest assured that you’re not alone. Let the following tips …”
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Push the Envelope with Coaching

“Performance increases become apparent after the successful utilization of a professional coach who guides leaders through difficult situations, tackles special problems and challenges, and develops and hones leadership skills. Did you know that the preparation and planning that precede the coaching sessions …”
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Assessments in a Nutshell

“Does the world of personality assessments mystify you? Do you audibly gulp when you hear the words MBTI, D.I.S.C, 360-Degree Feedback, Wilson Learning Systems, Firo-B, Myers-Briggs, etc.? Which should you use? How accurate are the results? When should you assess?…and the questions go on and on …”
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Your Focus is Crucial

“Have you ever noticed that two different managers can have similar jobs, responsibilities, backgrounds and skills, but vastly different results? I often see this very phenomenon among my coaching clients. Similar complexity of business challenges, similar levels of intelligence, but very different results. One manager struggles to stay on top of all the interrupts … ”
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